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The Community Freedom Party (CFP) is a political party dedicated to serving and protecting the African-American community through the political process. Unlike other parties, which claim they can adequately serve multiple groups and interests simultaneously, we are the only party 100% focused on the policies that will improve the well-being of the black community. We recognize that focus begets excellence, and excellence is what the African-American community deserves.


The Community Freedom Party is first and foremost a local party. We believe that we can have the most positive impact by fighting for and advancing local policies and activities that further the social, economic and political interests of black Americans. One of our top priorities is fielding honest and hardworking leaders for local and state offices who have a strong desire to enact laws beneficial to the black community. However, we also recognize that politics at the national level often reverberates locally, and we therefore believe it is the responsibility of the Community Freedom Party and its members to put ourselves in a position to press for national policies beneficial to African Americans while strongly opposing those detrimental to their concerns.


At CFP, we don't think it's right for African Americans to have to constantly worry if new government policies are going to make their lives more difficult, expose them to greater pollution, result in less educational resources for their children, displace them from their neighborhoods, diminish their health, or make it more difficult for them to access employment opportunities. It's not normal for a people in a democracy to question whether or not the government is for them. The Community Freedom Party was established to restore African Americans' confidence in government. We got you.   


We are the only party 100% focused on the policies that will improve the well-being of the African-American Community.

Our Mission

Our Mission

It is the mission of the Community Freedom Party to represent, safeguard and advance the social, economic and political interests of the African-American community in the United States. We believe that doing so will not only benefit African Americans, but will also result in a stronger and more prosperous nation for all U.S. citizens.


Our Vision

The Community Freedom Party and its members envision and will work hard to achieve an American political landscape where the interests of the black community are properly represented in government, resulting in African-American neighborhoods that have equally-funded schools, safe streets, strong social ties, access to clean air and water, close proximity to well-funded hospitals, and strong economic growth without displacement.


  • Love for the Black Community: A genuine passion for serving the black community and improving the economic, political and social well-being of African Americans and their families.

  • Empathy and Concern for All People: In fighting for the advancement of the interests of the African-American community, CFP will endeavor, as far as practical, not to harm the welfare of other recognized groups and work for the betterment of such groups when and where appropriate.

  • Honesty and Integrity: CFP serves the black community with honesty and transparency. We don't serve corporations, we don't serve special interests, and we don't serve our own pocketbooks.

  • Humility: Seeing public service as a means to better the circumstances of African Americans and not as a position that can increase one's notoriety and financial prospects.

  • Intellectual Curiosity: A genuine interest in learning about the issues that concern African Americans and the policies that can effectively address those concerns.

  • Teamwork and Unity: Successfully protecting and serving the black community isn't a solo effort. It going to take teamwork and unity to ensure that the interests of the African-American community are properly represented in government and that laws are enacted that benefit the black community.


Why Now?

African Americans must start asking "Has the political process been working for us?" African Americans were instrumental to the establishment - and have been key factors in the subsequent development and growth - of this country. Time and again, throughout America's history, members of the black community have demonstrated their remarkable persistence, courage, creativity, intelligence and initiative. Yet, African-American citizens are significantly more likely to live near sources of air pollution. Nationwide, majority-nonwhite school districts get $23 billion less in funding each year than majority-white districts, despite having the same number of students. Businesses owned by black Americans disproportionately lack access to capital and small business loans. Majority African-American areas are also more likely to lack hospitals. If the political process hasn't been working for us, the next logical question is does it make sense to continue doing what we've always done, or does the moment demand something different?

"Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

Harriet Tubman

We Need Your Support Today!

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