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At the Community Freedom Party (CFP), we realize that our nominees for public office are members of our team. We don't refer to our nominees as politicians. Like the members of our staff and volunteers, they are Servants and are expected to do their utmost to protect the black community and look out for its political, economic and social interests. We recognize that members of the black community are our neighbors and an extension of our family. They expect us to work hard for their interests, and we aim to deliver nothing less. 


To best serve the African-American community, CFP nominees for public office, or Servants, must genuinely possess and demonstrate having the following attributes, which we also require for members of our staff:


  • Love for the Black Community: In other words, does he or she have a passion for serving the black community and improving the economic, political and social well-being of African Americans and their families? Does this passion supersede his or her desire for personal and financial gain or notoriety? Is he or she averse to taking any actions which can potentially hurt the black community?

  • Empathy and Concern for All People: In fighting for the advancement of the interests of the African-American community, CFP Servants - staff, volunteers, and nominees for public office - must endeavor, as far as practical, not to harm the welfare of other recognized groups and work for the betterment of such groups when and where appropriate.

  • Honesty and Integrity: This is extremely important. Too often, African Americans have elected representatives to government only to have such representatives behave dishonestly while holding office. CFP expects its Servants to serve with honesty and integrity. CFP serves the black community. We don't serve corporations, we don't serve special interests, and we don't serve our own pocketbooks.

  • Humility: Seeing public service, not as a position of prestige that can increase one's notoriety and financial prospects, but as a means to humble oneself to better the circumstances of African Americans and their families. 

  • Intellectual Curiosity: By intellectual curiosity, we mean a genuine interest in learning about the issues that concern African Americans and the policies that can address those concerns.

  • A Team Player: Successfully protecting and serving the black community isn't a solo effort. It takes teamwork and unity. CFP nominees for public office and their staffs are expected to work together with members of CFP staff and our volunteers to ensure that the interests of the African-American community are properly represented in government and that laws are enacted that benefit the black community.


In selecting its nominees for public office, the Community Freedom Party actively works with a variety of individual residents and other actors within the black community to identify and reach out to people who have demonstrated possessing the aforementioned qualities.


"True heroism is remarkably sober, very undramatic. It is not the urge to surpass all others at whatever cost, but the urge to serve others at whatever cost."

Arthur Ashe

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