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Community Freedom Party Announces New Political Program - The Chicago 'One City' Plan

CHICAGO (02/21/24) — The Community Freedom Party (CFP), a political party dedicated to serving and protecting the African-American community through the political process, announced today the release of the first components of its Chicago ‘One City’ Plan, a new political program to help reverse Chicago’s “Tale of Two Cities” narrative and improve the living conditions of Chicago’s African-American residents.

The announcement caps a three-month process, during which working groups researched and discussed various policy proposals that could potentially benefit Chicago’s African-American families. Afterward, CFP’s full Chicago Executive Board of Directors voted on the working groups’ recommended proposals, basing their decisions on whether they felt each proposal would advance the social, economic and political interests of the city’s African-American community.

The first set of policy proposals under the Chicago ‘One City’ Plan™ relates to housing availability and affordablity in Chicago and includes: Rent Increase Caps, Property Assessment Freezes, Increased Development of Affordable Housing, Amending Chicago’s Affordable Requirements Ordinance, Increased Black Homeownership, Increased Funding for Homeowner Repairs and Vacant Building Rehabilitation on Chicago’s South and West Sides, Just-Cause Eviction Ordinances, and a Tenants Healthy Homes Ordinance.

The second set of policy proposals addresses migration and immigration in Chicago and includes: Restrictions on Migrant Shelters in High Crime/Poverty Areas, Investment in Those Communities Hosting Migrant Shelters, Increased Immigration-Related Contracts for Black-owned Businesses, Caps on Future Migration, Background Checks for Migrants and Immigrants Entering Chicago, Amending Chicago’s Welcoming City Ordinance, and U.S. Immigration Policy Reforms.

“Crafting equitable policy proposals concerning the availability and affordability of housing in Chicago’s African American communities is crucial,” stated Sonya Dorsey, a resident of Chicago’s West Pullman community and member of the CFP Chicago Executive Board of Directors. “Strong policy is also necessary to ensure that minority communities aren’t utilized as dumping sites to conceal Chicago’s social problems. Chicago’s immigration and migration policy must include significant community investments and forbid migrant shelters from being located in African-American communities with high crime and poverty rates and resource scarcities.”

The party plans on releasing additional components of the Chicago ‘One City’ Plan in the coming months.

About CFP: The Community Freedom Party is a political party dedicated to representing, safeguarding, and advancing the social, economic and political interests of the African-American community in the United States. Its members believe that doing so will not only benefit African Americans, but will also result in a stronger and more prosperous nation for all U.S. citizens.


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