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Community Freedom Party Launches Operations in Chicago

Community Freedom Party Poster on Chicago's South Side.

CHICAGO (08/20/22) — The Community Freedom Party (CFP), a new political party dedicated to serving and protecting the African-American community through the political process, announced today that it has begun preliminary operations in Chicago.

“The Community Freedom Party is honored and very excited to have an opportunity to serve Chicago’s black community, which we believe can benefit from CFP’s political services,” explains Branden Kelly, CFP’s Executive Director. “For years, black neighborhoods in Chicago have suffered from disinvestment, poorly funded schools, pollution, political corruption, and neighborhood displacement. CFP intends to work with residents and leaders in Chicago’s black community to help change that.”

In its announcement, CFP highlighted the urgent need for a political alternative. They noted that approximately 30% of African Americans In Chicago live in poverty and Chicago’s African-American population declined by 16 percent between 2000 and 2010 and by an additional 11.14 percent between 2010 and 2020. Moreover, the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago has reported that middle class black neighborhoods have less access to opportunities than middle class white neighborhoods.

CFP will spend the next several weeks raising awareness of the party in Chicago and speaking with residents to learn about their concerns and aspirations for their neighborhoods. It plans on holding its first Chicago General Meeting on September 17, 2022.

Among other policies, CFP’s platform includes increased investment in black neighborhoods, equal school funding, increased production of affordable housing, fostering economic innovation, and a ban on the placement of new pollution-producing facilities near black neighborhoods.

About CFP: The Community Freedom Party is a political party dedicated to achieving an American political landscape where the interests of the black community are properly represented in government, resulting in African-American neighborhoods that have equally funded schools, safe streets, strong social ties, access to clean air and water, and strong economic growth without displacement.


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